本文选题:医院 + 共享停车 ; 参考:《东南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the urbanization process , the motorized travel has become the most important feature in the structure change of the traffic mode , the parking problem in the central area of the city is increasingly serious , and the parking contradiction becomes more and more prominent .
Based on the questionnaire , the characteristics and differences of parking behaviors among different groups were studied , and the parking behavior selection model of different parking groups was constructed , and the differences of behaviors of different groups were analyzed .
Finally , the predictive model of shared time window and the adjustment method of sharing time window are constructed , and the influence of different parking impedances on the sharing time window is discussed . First , through video investigation , vehicle parking survey on the ground , obtaining the parking data of the hospital , the paper analyzes the parking characteristics of hospital working days and weekends , and discusses the difference of parking characteristics in different periods .
By means of Matlab software , the length distribution of different parking spaces is fitted . Based on this , it is proposed to open the berth condition and the time - length condition for the hospital to open the foreign share . Secondly , from the viewpoint of the berth prediction , the definition of the parking berth forecast interval is determined , the different prediction models are compared and analyzed , and the effective berth occupancy model is constructed based on the time series model , and the method and the process of the model construction are discussed .
Based on this , by means of Eviews software , the decision method of hospital sharing time window is constructed , and the initial sharing time window is determined . Then , according to the parking characteristics of the parking group in the hospital , the parking group is divided according to the parking characteristics of the hospital parking group .
Based on the Logit model , the parking behavior selection model of different groups is constructed , the model parameters are calibrated by using the Stata software , and the calibration results are compared . Finally , according to the initial determined shared time window , the method and the steps for adjusting the parking time window are put forward based on the concept of time value .
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