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发布时间:2018-05-23 14:29

  本文选题:高速公路 + 征地拆迁 ; 参考:《重庆交通大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, in order to meet the urgent needs of promoting social progress, stimulating economic development, shortening the space-time distance between regions, and improving people's travel service level, China has been speeding up the pace of expressway development. The experience of expressway construction shows that land requisition and relocation is an extremely important part in the process of expressway construction, which is the basic prerequisite to ensure the smooth progress of expressway construction. The scientific evaluation of the practical impact of the highway construction requisition and resettlement scheme on the masses along the route can not only help to discover the problems existing in the requisition and resettlement scheme, but also provide the decision basis for the plan review for the competent department of requisition and relocation. It also plays a positive role in safeguarding the legitimate interests of the people and ensuring social harmony and stability. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the impact of land requisition and relocation of expressway construction. Firstly, this paper introduces the characteristics, advantages, basic principles and application steps of Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Secondly, it expounds the connotation and scope of expressway construction land, and analyzes the sources of expressway construction land. It explains the characteristics of expressway construction land and the relationship between expressway construction and land requisition, demolition, resettlement. Thirdly, it analyzes the scope of impact assessment of expressway construction land requisition and relocation. The main content and the selection principle of the evaluation factors, constructed the expressway construction land requisition and demolition and resettlement impact evaluation index system, including three secondary indicators and 10 third-level indicators, and put forward the quantitative method of 10 third-level indicators. Then, based on the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the impact evaluation model of land requisition and relocation for expressway construction is established, and finally, the case study is carried out by taking the plan of land requisition and relocation in Chongqing section of Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway as an example. The results show that the impact assessment model of land requisition and relocation for expressway construction in this paper is practical. In this paper, the characteristics of expressway construction land and the relationship between expressway construction and land requisition, demolition and resettlement are obtained, and a practical method for evaluating the impact of expressway construction land requisition and relocation is put forward. The research results of this paper have a certain guiding effect on the scientific examination and approval of freeway construction land requisition and relocation, and have laid a certain theory and method for perfecting the theoretical system of expressway construction land requisition and relocation.


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