本文选题:连续梁 + 悬臂施工 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Prestressed concrete continuous beam is widely used in bridge construction because of its large stiffness, good integrity, smooth running and simple maintenance. Cantilever construction of continuous beam overcomes the limitation of unfavorable natural conditions such as topography, river and so on, and is one of the more common construction methods for construction of prestressed concrete continuous beam. The temperature effect is an important load to be considered in the cantilever construction of concrete continuous beam, and the temperature effect has an important influence on the safety performance and construction quality of the concrete continuous beam. On the basis of long-term observation of temperature field of concrete slab, the characteristics of temperature field in concrete are analyzed and studied in this paper. The stress and deformation under the action of six temperature gradients in the cantilever construction of a practical continuous beam are calculated and analyzed by numerical simulation. The main research contents include: (1) to analyze the variation of internal temperature of concrete slabs in spring, summer, autumn and winter in Beijing area, and to simulate and analyze the temperature field of concrete slabs by numerical analysis method. The numerical simulation data are compared with the measured data. In order to make use of ANSYS software to calculate the temperature field and temperature effect of concrete box girder, the effects of maximum ambient temperature and environmental temperature difference on the vertical temperature difference of concrete are analyzed by means of actual measurement and numerical analysis, respectively. The analysis shows that the influence of environmental temperature difference on the vertical temperature difference of concrete is greater than that of environmental maximum temperature. The temperature gradient of concrete box girder in the spring, summer, autumn, winter and four seasons in Suzhou area under the maximum ambient temperature difference in the spring, summer, autumn and winter is calculated and analyzed by ANSYS software. 4) the finite element software is used to simulate the temperature gradient of the concrete box girder. Under the temperature gradient studied in this paper and the temperature gradient in the railway code, the maximum cantilever and side span of a continuous beam with a span of 70 125 70 m are analyzed. For the convenience of data management and beam stress and deformation control in the construction process, a kind of method with input, search and deletion is developed. Data management software for calculating drawing and other functions.
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