发布时间:2018-06-03 20:08
本文选题:高速公路路基 + 注水试验 ; 参考:《沈阳工业大学学报》2014年05期
【摘要】:为了对高速公路路基注浆加固效果进行评价,采用注水试验、触探试验、检查孔取芯与孔内电视摄像方法进行检测.注浆后注水试验法检测结果表明,地层透水率都低于47 Lu,能够防止上部软塑状粉质粘土沿溶洞、溶蚀裂隙产生流动与淘空;触探试验结果表明,注浆后不同深度路基承载力的取值fak≥248 kPa;检查孔取芯结果表明,浆液在土体中形成纵横交错浆脉骨架的复合土体能大幅提高土体的强度;钻孔孔内电视摄像结果表明,注浆前土体空隙较大,注浆后土体中的空隙全部被水泥浆脉充填.4种检验方法表明注浆后效果良好,同时也表明综合评价法是评价注浆效果的有效方法,对类似工程具有一定的借鉴与指导意义.
[Abstract]:In order to evaluate the reinforcement effect of highway subgrade grouting, water injection test and penetration test were used to detect the coring hole and the television camera inside the hole. The results of water injection test after grouting show that the permeable rate of formation is lower than 47 Lu. it can prevent the flow and scouring of the upper soft plastic silty clay along the karst cave, and the results of the penetration test show that the fluidity and scouring of the upper soft plastic silty clay along the cave can be prevented. The value of bearing capacity of subgrade with different depth after grouting is fak 鈮,