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发布时间:2018-06-07 17:23

  本文选题:自载重 + 超声波测距 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:China is a big transportation country. Nowadays, many transportation households are driven by economic interests and are seriously overloaded in transportation production. In addition to causing certain harm to the vehicle, the more important thing is that it will cause serious damage to the highway and lead to safety accidents. Therefore, the local governments in the car-borne metering management and real-time monitoring have increased efforts. In this paper, based on the science and technology project of Hebei Provincial Transportation Department, a vehicle network monitoring system based on ultrasonic and infrared ranging and GPS BeiDou dual positioning and wireless communication is put forward from measuring the shape variables of automobile leaf spring. The installation scheme of the ranging device is also given. This paper first introduces the mathematical model of auto self-loading measurement, and establishes the functional relationship between load and leaf spring deformation, which is used as the theoretical basis to develop the hardware and software of the self-loading measuring device. In the aspect of hardware design, the ultrasonic sensor combined with R8C / 2L chip is used as the ranging device for preliminary theoretical verification. After that, an infrared sensor with PSD as the core device and C8051F500 chip as the main part of the load measuring device is put forward, which improves the stability of ranging, and is installed in practice. The distance measuring device is installed on the suspension at the bottom of the car carriage, and the load information of the vehicle can be obtained by measuring the distance between the bottom of the car and the axle, which can accurately and realtime measure the distance without changing the internal structure of the vehicle. The software design adopts the idea of modular programming, and gives the flow chart and some important programs of the software program. Then the design and development of wireless communication device based on GPS Beidou dual positioning and KS-97 module are introduced, and the realization of the function of monitoring center based on topological network structure is briefly introduced. Finally, the whole system is debugged, which shows that the system can measure the load data stably, reach the expected goal, and lay a solid foundation for the optimization of the whole system in the future.


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