本文选题:天津市 + 私人小汽车 ; 参考:《河北工程大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:近些年,我国国民经济的发展对城市交通产生了巨大的影响。伴随着我国国民经济的快速发展以及人民生活水平的不断提高,小汽车的拥有量迅速增加,越发成为日常城市生活中出行的主流交通工具。私人小汽车大量涌入居住区,停车空间供给出现问题,尤其是容积率、人口密度较高的高层居住小区,问题尤为突出。 本文简述了论文研究的背景、意义、目的及内容,概括性的总结了国内外城市高层住区停车发展的相关研究概况,介绍了本文研究的方法及论文框架。并对论文的研究背景进行了深入分析,总结私人小汽车在天津市的发展概况,分析推动私人小汽车快速发展的相关因素,归纳天津市私人小汽车的发展给城市建设带来的影响以及给居住区建设带来的影响和挑战。 作者对高层居住区既有停车方式进行分类阐述,归纳既有高层居住区停车方式的特点,并进行总结。对天津市具有代表性的高层住区停车空间进行实例调研、资料搜集及分析:首先确定调研范围,,其次按不同种类划分住区进行调研,然后结合调研成果既天津市现有高层住区停车实际问题进行总结,然后对问题产生的原因进行总结,最后对未来天津市高层住区停车需求的形势进行分析及预测。 作者在归纳天津市现有高层住区停车空间的建设策略的基础上,并探讨了天津市未来建设高层住区停车位的供给策略。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the development of China's national economy has had a great impact on urban transportation. With the rapid development of China's national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the number of cars has increased rapidly, and has become the mainstream vehicle in daily urban life. Private cars pour into residential areas in large numbers, and there are problems in the supply of parking space, especially in high-rise residential areas with high volume ratio and high population density. In this paper, the background, significance, purpose and content of the research are briefly described. This paper summarizes the general situation of parking development in urban high-rise residential areas at home and abroad, and introduces the methods and framework of this paper. The research background of this paper is deeply analyzed, the development of private cars in Tianjin is summarized, and the relevant factors to promote the rapid development of private cars are analyzed. This paper summarizes the influence of the development of private cars in Tianjin on the urban construction and the influence and challenge on the construction of residential areas. The characteristics of parking mode in existing high-rise residential areas are summarized and summarized. A case study of parking space in Tianjin's representative high-rise residential area is carried out. The data collection and analysis are as follows: first, determine the scope of investigation; secondly, divide the residential area according to different types to carry out investigation. Then combined with the research results, the actual parking problems in the existing high-rise residential areas in Tianjin were summarized, and then the causes of the problems were summarized. Finally, the situation of parking demand in Tianjin high-rise residential area in the future is analyzed and forecasted. The paper also discusses the supply strategy of parking space in the future construction of high-rise residential area in Tianjin.
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