上传时间:2011-11-18 10:35:13 新闻源:信息中心
Study on The Details Design of Human Basis Urban Slow Traffic Planning
LIU Ying, LUO Ji,WU Yuexin
(哈尔滨市城乡规划设计研究院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150010)
(Harbin Town and Country Planning and Design Research Institute)
摘 要:随着国民经济的高速发展和城市化进程的加快,城市基础设施建设在快速发展,城市道路不断加宽,交通供需也在发生着质的变化,原有“车本主义”的做法不但未能缓解城市交通,反而导致城市越来越堵,也致使慢行交通环境不断恶化,已经不能满足当前创建可持续发展和和谐社会的要求。而倡导从“人本主义”出发,提倡建设基于人本位的城市慢行交通系统是大势所趋。本文分析了目前慢行交通规划设计中存在的主要问题,,并在借鉴国外实践经验的基础上,对慢行交通的细节设计进行了详细研究,并以哈尔滨市新阳广场改造规划为实例分析,希望对目前城市慢行交通系统的改善规划设计提供指导和借鉴作用。
Abstract:With the high-speed development of national economy and the acceleration of urbanization, urban infrastructure construction with higher speed development and urban road constantly widened, so traffic demand and supply also is in producing a qualitative change. The original practice of "car basis doctrine" not only failed to relieve urban traffic, traffic congestion is more and more serious, and environment of slow traffic is getting worse and worse. This kind of situation already cannot satisfy the current require that creating sustainable development and harmonious society. The current trend advocates “human basis doctrine” and the construction of urban slow transport systems based on humanism. The paper analysed main problems of slow traffic planning and design at present, studied the detail design of slow traffic carefully on the basis of overseas practice experience, and took the reconstruction planning of XinYang square in Harbin for example, hopping to provide guidance and reference for urban slow traffic system planning and design.
Key words: human basis ; hommization ; slow traffic ; detail design
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