本文选题:上承式桁架拱桥 + 钢管混凝土拱肋 ; 参考:《桥梁建设》2016年05期
[Abstract]:The main bridge of Tongxihe Bridge is a steel tube concrete truss arch bridge with a calculated span of 360 m. The main arch ring is composed of concrete filled steel tube and steel tube with truss section, chord tube and web bar, oblique brace are all adopted new type "bolted bonding" joint. The steel box structure with hollow rectangular section is used for the column on the arch and the steel box structure for the hollow rectangular variable section is used for the cover beam of the column. The bridge deck system adopts the form of multi-main beam steel-mixed composite beam, the steel longitudinal beam and the steel crossbeam are all welded I-shaped section, and the bridge deck slab is the common reinforced concrete prefabricated board. The arch base is expanded foundation combined with pile foundation, and the conventional expansion foundation form is used in the arch base of Duqian bank. The static analysis of the bridge is carried out, and the local force and experimental study on the arch base of the bridge, the new type of corrugated joints of concrete-filled steel tube and the internal bolt of the main chord joint are carried out. The results show that the structural forces of the bridge all meet the requirements of the specifications. The bridge is constructed by cable hoisting system without support.
【作者单位】: 中交第二公路勘察设计研究院有限公司;
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