[Abstract]:In order to study the dynamic performance of suspension bridge in Puguang natural gas pipeline, the seismic time-history response under the action of Tianjin wave is calculated under unidirectional and three-direction uniform excitation. The results show that under the excitation of transverse seismic wave, the seismic response of the suspension bridge of Puguang natural gas pipeline is mainly manifested as the transverse drift of the bridge body and the transverse bridge vibration of the bridge tower, but the effect of vertical and vertical vibration along the bridge is very small. The displacement and stress of every part of suspension bridge are obviously smaller than that of transverse bridge under the excitation of seismic wave. Under the excitation of vertical seismic wave, the seismic response of suspension bridge is mainly the vertical vibration of the bridge body and the bridge tower, and the effect of the vertical vibration along the bridge and the transverse bridge is very small. For the bridge structure, the seismic damage caused by the transverse seismic wave is the largest, followed by the vertical seismic wave, and the seismic wave along the bridge direction produces the least damage. For the main tower structure, the displacement time-history curve fluctuates most under the excitation of the seismic wave in the direction of the bridge, but the time-history curve of the stress of the main tower under the excitation of the seismic wave in the direction of the bridge is lower than that under the excitation of the seismic wave in the direction of the transverse bridge.
【作者单位】: 长江大学工程技术学院;华侨大学土木工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51478047,51278209) 华侨大学中青年教师科研提升资助计划(ZQN-PY110)
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