[Abstract]:A report by the United Nations Intergovernmental climate change Commission (Intergovernmental climate change Commission) says that the increase in global average temperature in the past 50 years is mainly caused by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and global warming will also cause severe natural phenomena such as rising sea levels, extreme weather and so on, which further affect human production, life and even threaten human beings. The logistics transportation industry is one of the important sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and the carbon emission of the road freight occupies an important proportion in the logistics transportation. At present, the container is the main form of the freight transportation, so the container road transportation is an important part of the road freight. Transport problems can bring considerable environmental benefits. Container transport is a transport link usually achieved by a truck before or after the start or end of a long distance ocean or railway transportation. This mode of transport provides a door to door transport service. Although the distance is short, the unit distance is single. The transport cost of the container is very high. In addition, it is easy to cause road congestion, delay in delivery and damage of goods. Therefore, it is very important to study the transport efficiency of container transport. In order to connect the total carbon emissions of vehicles in the transportation process instead of the traditional vehicle running time or operation cost, the optimization objective is to replace the traditional vehicle running time or operation cost. The main research work of this paper is as follows: (1) the vehicle The problem of container transport with fixed speed is studied. Based on the graph (DAOV) on the vertex, a mixed integer linear programming model is established for the container transport problem with the target of low carbon. The speed and accuracy of the model based on the commercial optimization software LINGO are tested and the traditional method is used. The effect of the time window width, the proportion of the inlet and outlet boxes and the proportion of empty boxes on the results is analyzed. The results show that this method can obtain the high precision solution of the actual scale problem in a very short time, and can effectively reduce the carbon emission. (2) the vehicle speed is unknown. The problem of container connection transportation is studied. The DAOV graph is extended. Based on the vehicle driving speed as a decision variable, a mixed integer nonlinear programming model is established. A solution algorithm based on velocity discretization is designed for the model. The model is transformed into a mixed integer linear programming model. Ming: the algorithm based on the velocity discretization can give an approximate optimal solution to the actual scale problem in a very short time. For a small and medium scale example that can give the optimal solution of the theory through other methods, the gap between the approximate optimal solution and the theoretical optimal solution is very small (generally less than 0.1%). The validity of this model and algorithm is further verified. (3) the problem of container transport with unknown vehicle speed is studied. Based on the DAOV graph, a model of mixed integer nonlinear programming is established with the driving time of the vehicle as a decision variable. The time window discretization is designed for the model. The algorithm is transformed into a pure integer (0-1) linear programming model. The experimental results show that the algorithm based on the time window discretization can give the approximate optimal solution of the actual scale problem in a very short time, and the approximate optimal solution of the approximate optimal solution for the best solution of the theory can be given by other methods. The difference between theoretical optimal solutions is very small (generally less than 0.1%). The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated by comparison with the speed discretization algorithm.
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