[Abstract]:In order to grasp the extrusion deformation of surrounding rock in front of tunnel face more accurately, the T-REX sliding micrometer is introduced to monitor the deformation of surrounding rock in front of tunnel face. The composition, installation and measurement method of T-REX slide micrometer are introduced, and the method of measuring the deformation of surrounding rock in front of tunnel face is introduced. Field test was carried out in Tianpingshan Tunnel of Gui-Guang Railway. It is found that the deformation of the surrounding rock is obvious, which is consistent with the state of surrounding rock revealed after excavation. It is proved by practice that the T-REX sliding micrometer is feasible for measuring the extrusion deformation of the palm surface. The instrument is simple in structure, convenient in installation and measurement, and more accurate in measuring data. However, considering the error of the instrument itself and artificial operation, the sliding micrometer is suitable for the large deformation section of soft rock with obvious extrusion deformation, and is not suitable for the section of hard rock with good stability.
【作者单位】: 石家庄铁道大学土木工程学院;
【基金】:河北省自然基金资助项目(E2012210011,E2013210119) 河北省高等学校科学技术研究基金资助项目(QN20131179)
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