[Abstract]:Manual snow removal takes time and effort, chemicals snow removal pollutes the environment, and it is inconvenient to use large-scale snow-clearing machines in places such as local places, such as offices, units, schools and residential areas, which are more closely connected with people's daily lives. But small spiral snow removal vehicles that remove floating snow can play an important role in these areas. Due to the late start of research on snow removal machinery in our country, it is relatively backward in technology compared with developed countries. The introduction or use of foreign technology has a long period of time, the cost is expensive and does not fully conform to the environment and road conditions of our country and so on. Therefore, it is imperative to develop small spiral snow removal vehicles in accordance with the actual situation in our country. Helical cutting tools and frame are two important parts of small spiral snow removal vehicles. Therefore, on the basis of consulting data and referring to relevant patents, the helical cutters and frame are designed and analyzed by finite element method to verify their feasibility. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the application of snow-removing machine under different conditions is analyzed, and the working principle, characteristics and assembly of small spiral snow-removing vehicle are introduced. The study of the physical and mechanical properties of snow cover provides a theoretical basis for the further analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of snow cover and the related calculation. (2) based on the kinematic mechanical analysis of snow particles, The influence of the parameters of the spiral cutter on the power consumption and snow removal efficiency in the snow collecting device is studied. According to the results of the analysis, the suitable parameters are selected to design the spiral tool of the snow collecting device, and the basic requirements of the frame design and the human body size standard are also discussed. Design the frame of the small spiral snow removal vehicle. (3) the CATIA3D model of the spiral cutter in the snow collecting device is meshed and the finite element model is established. Through modal analysis, the frequency value and mode shape of low-order modes are obtained, and the mode shapes are explained and the resonance of the vibration source is verified. The instantaneous dynamic analysis is carried out to find out the stress distribution and displacement deformation, to verify whether the strength meets the requirements, and to compare the results of different thickness analysis to select the best thickness. (4) mesh the frame model. The finite element model is established, the static analysis of bending and torsional conditions is carried out, the stress distribution and displacement deformation are calculated, and it is verified whether it meets the requirements, and the analysis results of different thickness of steel pipe are compared to select the best thickness. Through modal analysis, the frequency value and mode shape of low-order modes are obtained, and the mode shapes are explained and the resonance of the vibration source is verified.
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