[Abstract]:In order to discuss the new technology and new method of the second lining construction of tunnel in cold area, based on the LXS-8 standard railway tunnel in Ganqing section of the second line of Lanxin railway, the structural reliability and performance stability of the high-frequency vibrating system in the construction of the second lining of the tunnel are studied experimentally. Based on the systematic analysis of the mechanism of the influence of high frequency vibration on the frost resistance of concrete, from the aspects of equipment selection, installation and debugging, vibration time control and concrete antifreeze performance test, the construction technology of high frequency vibration is established. This paper summarizes the matters needing attention in construction and the insulation measures for the construction of the second lining of the tunnel in cold area. C35 concrete with a slump of 16.8 cm, water / binder ratio of 0.37 has been vibrated for several times, and the continuous vibration is determined to be 25 ~ 40 s, the ideal apparent quality and concrete strength can be obtained, and the freezing resistance test shows that, After 300 cycles of freeze-thaw cycle, the mass loss rate of concrete is kept below 3%, and the relative dynamic elastic modulus is 80%, which reaches the F300 grade. The results of vibration test and test show that the high frequency vibration technique can be applied to the construction of second lining of frozen soil tunnel in cold region.
【作者单位】: 西南交通大学交通隧道工程教育部重点实验室;中国中铁二局第四工程有限公司;
【基金】:中央高校基本科研业务专项基金项目(SWJTU11ZT33) 教育部创新团队发展计划项目(IRT0955)
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