[Abstract]:According to the strong wind monitoring and fluid simulation of the new-type flexible protective net of highway in Xinjiang's hundred li wind zone, the best wind proof effect is set up with a pure steel windshield with holes, and the wind speed is reduced by 10.0 m / s; the next is the building of a plate type windbreak wall in the hundred li wind zone of Lanxin second line. The wind speed is reduced by 5.0 m / s and the new flexible protective net is effective in reducing wind speed by 5.0 m / s. The results show that the new flexible protective net has remarkable economic and social benefits and has great market value. The new flexible windscreen is an innovative project and is first used in Xinjiang. The traffic capacity and service level of the highway are improved, the influence of wind damage on traffic is reduced, and the purpose of safe and efficient driving is achieved.
【作者单位】: 新疆交通规划勘察设计研究院;
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