[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing number of cars in our country, the parking demand is more and more vigorous, the construction scale of parking lot is more and more large, the service and function of the traditional parking lot can no longer meet the parking demand of the vehicle. It has become an important and urgent task to solve the problem of parking difficulty in the development of city nowadays, among which improving the intelligent management of parking lot is an important means to solve the problem of parking. There are some problems in the traditional parking lot management, such as the information of parking space is not transparent, the degree of automatization of vehicle entering and charging fees is not high, and the parking space can not be reserved. Therefore, the construction of intelligent, efficient parking is very necessary. In order to facilitate parking and improve the utilization rate of parking space, this paper studies and designs an intelligent parking space information detection and management system. First of all, the RFID technology is chosen as the technical means to solve the entrance guard management and timing accounting. The working principle and hardware and software design of the RFID system are described in this paper. The technology is convenient for users to enter and leave the parking lot quickly. And can automatically charge time, greatly improve the efficiency of the passage of vehicles. Secondly, in order to help parking users find parking space quickly, improve parking efficiency and effective utilization rate of parking space, this paper develops and designs the parking space guidance system based on LABVIEW. This part introduces the LABVIEW development environment and the interface design of parking space guidance system. In order to release the parking space information to the public in real time, the detection technology of ground sensing coil is used to detect whether the parking space is occupied or not. This part describes the working principle and hardware and software design of the parking space detection system. The depot detection system adopts the distributed control structure. The parking information is sent to the main control unit by the CAN bus communication mode. Finally, the main control unit sends the information of the yard to the network background server by controlling the GPRS wireless communication module. This part introduces the working principle of GPRS wireless communication technology and the design of software and hardware. After the design and manufacture of the system, the function of each sub-module is tested. The experimental results show that the RFID system can realize the functions of automatic card searching and timing charge. The detecting device of ground sensing coil can detect whether the parking space is occupied or not, and the GPRS module realizes the data communication with the fixed IP network server. The experimental results show that the design achieves the design goal. This research has certain practical significance to the intelligent management of parking lot.
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