发布时间:2018-10-26 12:37
【摘要】:近年来我国国内激增的汽车保有量与有限的停车场资源之间的矛盾日益加重,立体车库技术做为一种可有效解决该矛盾的技术手段为社会所重视,得到了大力的推广和应用。但是在此过程中又由于建设、运营成本高以及一些技术缺陷使得立体车库技术在国内的发展受到了约束。 本文的研究对象是一种垂直升降式立体车库,,单台电机驱动载车单元运动,每一个载车单元包含m(2≤m≤5)层载车板,载车板之间采用串联连接方式实现载车单元的构建,可根据用户的需要合理地选择载车板层数;本文在对载车单元模块进行研究和设计的同时,引入了模块化设计思想,将载车单元模块作为一个基本模块,再对这一基本模块按照其技术类别进行划分,将其分为:结构框架部分、传动系统、安全保护装置,结构框架部分包含承载存储车辆的载车板单元在和支承传动系统的外部结构框架。传动系统通过钢丝绳传动方式与载车板单元相连,配合驱动电机、变速箱、钢丝绳滚筒等部件构成。安全保护装置从保护车辆的目的出发,设计包括:限速器、防坠落装置、缓冲器等。 本文在设计载车单元模块的同时,注重该设计的使用性,参考、比对于国家和行业相关技术标准,致力于提高该设计的实用性和可靠性。结构框架部分可实现针对用户实际情况,可停放多种不同尺寸的车辆;传动系统针对于结构框架部分承载重量大,安全性和可靠性要求高的特点,进行了安全计算和设备选型,确保传动驱动方式合理使用方便;安全保护装置考虑到该设计的行程短、载重大的实际情况,特殊设计制动装置,并配合缓冲器使用,提高了车辆在存储过程中的安全性。在本文最后通过有限元分析的方法印证所设计载车单元模块设计的有效性和可靠性。 本文对低成本、开放式载车单元模块设计,旨在于能够设计出一种拥有自主知识产权的,而且能够适应我国国情,可模块化建设和安装的立体车库,可以针对不同用户的具体情况依靠设计的灵活性和实用性,以满足使用要求,同时兼具建设、运营成本低廉的优点。该设计最大的技术优势是实现立体车库的规模化建设,通过载车单元的并列安装,依靠外接的控制模块和上位机监控系统即可完成车库建设。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the contradiction between the rapid increase of car ownership and limited parking resources in our country is getting more and more serious. As a technical means to solve this problem effectively, stereo garage technology has been paid attention to by the society, and has been popularized and applied greatly. However, due to the construction, high operating cost and some technical defects, the development of stereoscopic garage technology in China is restricted. The object of study in this paper is a vertical lifting stereo garage, which is driven by a single motor, each of which contains m (2 鈮
[Abstract]:In recent years, the contradiction between the rapid increase of car ownership and limited parking resources in our country is getting more and more serious. As a technical means to solve this problem effectively, stereo garage technology has been paid attention to by the society, and has been popularized and applied greatly. However, due to the construction, high operating cost and some technical defects, the development of stereoscopic garage technology in China is restricted. The object of study in this paper is a vertical lifting stereo garage, which is driven by a single motor, each of which contains m (2 鈮