[Abstract]:Taking the deterministic traffic network user equilibrium problem as the research object, a user equilibrium model based on the path cost function is derived theoretically. On this basis, a fast convergent Newton path algorithm is proposed. The algorithm transfers Newtonian flow to only one OD pair at a time, updates the road flow after transferring, and puts forward the principle of "faster speed approaching equilibrium solution". The principle is used to simplify the Hessian matrix, and then the iterative direction is obtained. The optimal step size is found by one-dimensional search of the second-order Taylor expansion of the original function. The algorithm is applied to the real traffic assignment problem, and three network types, small, medium and large, are tested. The results show that compared with the traditional gradient projection algorithm, the fast convergence Newtonian path algorithm has faster convergence speed and higher precision, especially in the early stage of iteration.
【作者单位】: 东南大学交通学院;
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