发布时间:2018-12-14 09:31
【摘要】:针对集货高峰期集卡到达不均而导致的码头严重拥堵问题,运用排队理论和积压后移平稳估计方法,通过同时考虑内在的码头服务能力和外在的集卡到达特征制定集卡预约策略,基于闸口、堆场集卡两阶段排队等待时间构建码头集卡预约多目标优化模型,用改进的NSGA-Ⅱ算法对模型进行求解,并对模型的关键参数进行灵敏度分析。本文的主要研究工作如下: (1)通过调研和大量的数据统计处理,深入分析了我国码头外部集卡的到达特征及其排队系统,针对非平稳到达集卡队长难以估计该难题,引入积压后移平稳方法估算闸口处服务强度大于1时集卡的排队等待时间。 (2)考虑集卡迟到、预约未到等不确定因素,建立了均衡集卡司机和码头双方利益的多目标集卡预约优化模型,并改进NSGA-Ⅱ算法对模型进行求解。 (3)分析模型的四个关键参数集卡预约数目、集卡迟到率、集卡预约未到率以及预约时段长度对模型的影响,并求解预约系统有效时各参数需要满足的条件以及改进后的预约策略。 (4)以深圳盐田港某集装箱码头为应用背景,验证本文模型及算法的有效性,通过参数的灵敏度分析,为该码头集卡预约有效实施提供进一步的决策方案。 本研究能够同时解决非高峰时期和高峰时期集卡的预约调度难题,是对现有码头集卡预约策略的补充;同时,建立的多目标优化模型可以帮助码头实现均衡集卡的到达,同时减少了集卡司机的平均等待时间,以及集卡尾气的大量排放,从而有利于促进集卡预约服务在我国码头的实施和应用。
[Abstract]:In view of the serious congestion problem caused by the uneven arrival of the loading cards in the peak period, the queuing theory and the method of estimating the backwardness of the backlog are used. By considering the inherent terminal service ability and the external card arrival characteristics, the card reservation strategy is developed. Based on gate, the two-stage queue waiting time of the yard card is used to construct the multi-objective optimization model of the terminal card reservation. The improved NSGA- 鈪,
[Abstract]:In view of the serious congestion problem caused by the uneven arrival of the loading cards in the peak period, the queuing theory and the method of estimating the backwardness of the backlog are used. By considering the inherent terminal service ability and the external card arrival characteristics, the card reservation strategy is developed. Based on gate, the two-stage queue waiting time of the yard card is used to construct the multi-objective optimization model of the terminal card reservation. The improved NSGA- 鈪,