[Abstract]:Waterway technical grade assessment is an important basic work of waterway management, and its reasonable division is an important guarantee for sustainable development of waterway transportation. This paper first introduces the situation of the first waterway grading in China and the present situation of the waterway grade in our country, then combines the theoretical research of waterway grading, field investigation with the contents of expert consultation, through statistical analysis and comparative analysis. This paper points out some problems existing in the technical grade of current waterway in China. The results show that the technical grade of the original waterway can no longer meet the needs of the shipping development in the new period, and the necessity of regrading the waterway in China is demonstrated from the two aspects of the healthy and sustainable development of shipping and the economic and social development. Finally, in view of the new round of national waterway grading work, it is suggested that the management departments clarify the relationship between the waterway technical grade and the waterway planning level. Four aspects such as implementing the new waterway grading method, the key assessment range and the reasonable determination of the waterway grading level year are put forward, which can be used for reference by the relevant departments.
【作者单位】: 交通运输部水运科学研究院航道研究室;
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1 通讯员 扈明 齐学友 记者 陈t,