[Abstract]:Research purpose: the steel plate combined beam bridge radiates a large amount of structural noise into the surrounding environment because of the use of large steel structural members, which can not be suppressed by the traditional sound barrier measures. In order to put forward the structural noise control measures, the most important task should be to master the frequency, spatial distribution characteristics and the noise contribution rate of each part of the bridge. Therefore, based on the statistical energy principle, the structural noise of a typical steel plate concrete composite beam bridge is analyzed in this paper, and various rules of radiation noise are obtained. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the structural noise of steel plate combined beam bridge is 125U 1 250 Hz, which belongs to the middle and high frequency radiation noise; (2) based on the calculated results of typical sound field points, the steel main girder web is the most important noise source among the bridge components, and its radiation contribution rate is more than 50%; (3) the attenuation speed of the bridge structure noise in the vicinity of the ground becomes slower with the increase of the distance. (4) the research results can provide technical guidance for the structural noise treatment of the railway steel plate combined beam bridge.
【作者单位】: 铁道第三勘察设计院集团有限公司;
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