[Abstract]:In recent decades, our country vigorously develops the infrastructure construction, the highway bridge develops rapidly. As one of the main bridge types, the rigid-frame continuous composite beam bridge has been continuously popularized and applied in the whole country, and has gradually developed towards the direction of high pier and long span. Due to the increasing slenderness ratio of piers and the further extension of the span of the main beam, the influence of geometric nonlinearity on the displacement and internal force of the bridge can not be ignored. On the other hand, the structure becomes more and more flexible, and the stability of the bridge is paid more and more attention. This paper briefly introduces the characteristics of rigid-frame-continuous composite beam bridge, the development situation at home and abroad and the future development trend. The development and basic characteristics of geometric nonlinear theory are expounded, the differences between U.L formulation method and T.L formulation method are compared, and the incremental equilibrium equation of U.L formulation method is derived. At the same time, the solutions of several nonlinear equations are analyzed and discussed. There are usually two kinds of stability problems for bridge instability. The first kind of stability problem is shown as branching point instability and the second kind of stability problem is extreme point instability. The first kind of stability problem, which is called eigenvalue problem, is easy to solve and its critical load is close to the limit load of the second kind of stability problem. Therefore, it is of great engineering significance to analyze the first kind of stability problem of structure. In this paper, the finite element model is established by using the large scale bridge software MIDAS/CIVIL. Based on the nonlinear theory, the influence of geometric nonlinear effect on the displacement and internal force of cantilever state and bridge state of high pier is analyzed. Compared with the results under the linear condition, the influence degree of the geometric nonlinear effect on the bridge is studied. On the other hand, combined with the stability theory, the stability analysis of the high pier of the short stockaded rigid frame bridge is carried out in order to study the wind load, the strength of concrete, the state of cantilever and the operation stage of the bridge. The influence of wall thickness of high pier and single double limb system on the stability of bridge is analyzed. The stability of long span rigid frame continuous composite beam bridge with high piers under the action of various factors is analyzed in order to provide some help for the design, construction and reinforcement of long span bridge with high pier.
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