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发布时间:2019-01-10 12:46
[Abstract]:In order to study the effect of construction blasting on existing tunnel under small net distance and take reasonable active control, the numerical model of new tunnel and existing tunnel with different net spacing was established by using LS-DYNA dynamic finite element software. The peak vibration velocity of the measuring point is taken as the criterion. The layout scheme of vibration velocity measurement points and the corresponding optimal blasting charge selection scheme for the existing tunnel during blasting construction under small clear distance are obtained: the vibration velocity measurement points of the existing tunnel should be arranged at 1.2m from the ground level on the side wall of the existing tunnel; With the decrease of the net distance L of the two tunnels, the blasting charge should be reduced reasonably when L is 9mt / 8mt / 7m, respectively, and the corresponding recommended blasting explosive quantity is 48kg / 30kg / g respectively. The results of comparison and analysis of numerical and measured data show that the variation trend of peak vibration velocity of measured particle on existing railway lines is basically consistent with that of numerical analysis when the net spacing of the two tunnels decreases from 11.9 m to 6.6 m; Reasonably and effectively controlling blasting charge is the key to reduce blasting vibration response of existing tunnel and ensure its safe operation. The conclusions of the study can be used to guide the blasting construction of the new tunnel under the condition of small clear distance and to realize the active control of the damage of blasting vibration effect.
【作者单位】: 西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院;


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