[Abstract]:With the rapid development of highway construction in our country, especially the highway extending to the mountainous area, although the project is compared and selected, it is more and more common in the design for the consideration of engineering cost and balance of filling and digging. At the same time, the terrain of some sections of the mountain area limits the planar linear index, especially the interworking ramp of mountain expressway and the ordinary second, third and fourth grade highway, the small radius circle curve also often appears. Therefore, it is not surprising that the combination of the above two conditions of mountain highway, that is, the curve section of high fill and deep excavation with small radius, is not surprising. For the calculation of subgrade earthwork quantity, because its quantity is a volume, the traditional calculation method-" average section method "and" ridge table volume method "are used to calculate it. In the calculation of the subgrade of the combination section of the small radius curve of the mountain highway and the high fill and deep excavation section, if the traditional calculation method is adopted, there is a big error. Based on the analysis of the cause of calculation error and the understanding of traditional methods, according to the data and cases from engineering practice, the calculation and derivation of mathematical formula are given in this paper. In this paper, two methods of "section gravity center method" and "plane projection sector method" are proposed to calculate the number of earth and rock in a particular paragraph, which can eliminate the calculation error and accord with the actual quantity. The main works are as follows: 1. The present situation of the calculation of subgrade earthwork quantity and the general formula of traditional road earthwork calculation method are briefly explained, and the calculation error of earthwork quantity is analyzed. 2. According to the practical experience, the relative index value for the combination of small radius curve of high fill and deep excavation is given. 3. The general formula and significance of section gravity method and plane projection sector calculation method are put forward. 4. Through the engineering example, the calculation results of the traditional calculation method, the section gravity method and the plane projection sector calculation method are compared, and the calculation method similar to the actual project is recommended to eliminate the calculation error.
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