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发布时间:2019-03-01 13:18
[Abstract]:The bridge affected by the existing line should not only meet the operational safety of the existing line, but also ensure the construction safety and progress of the bridge. In the construction of the bridge, it is difficult to protect and remove the existing railway line, and the terrain conditions are complex. Leapfrogging constraints and many other factors. It is because of the comprehensive restriction of these characteristics and factors that there are a lot of safety risk problems in the construction process of the bridge affected by the existing railway lines. In engineering practice, the control of these safety risk problems is still very weak. It is of great theoretical significance and practical value to analyze, evaluate and control the construction safety risk of the bridge affected by the existing railway line systematically so as to minimize the construction safety risk and reach the construction goal of the project. Firstly, the basic concept and essence of risk, the basic method of risk identification and evaluation, and the basic method and theory of risk control are summarized, and the basic content of risk control of bridge construction is determined. Secondly, on the basis of Chongqing Baisatuo Yangtze River Bridge, the characteristics of bridge construction and the demand of risk control are analyzed, and the construction scale, climate and environment, hydrogeology, topography and geomorphology of the project are put forward. In this paper, the construction risk of Chongqing Baisatuo Yangtze River Bridge is evaluated by expert weighting method, such as bridge location characteristics and construction technology maturity. According to the evaluation results, risk control techniques including risk avoidance are adopted. Finally, in view of the main bridge pier 3 of Baisatuo Yangtze River Bridge, the construction of the convenient line and other structures adjacent to (across) the existing railway line have the characteristics of close proximity to the railway, which is greatly affected by the existing line and has great difficulty in construction. The corresponding construction safety control measures are put forward. The construction safety control techniques of pier 3 of the main bridge are mainly as follows: underwater blasting technology, blasting detection and risk assessment of foundation construction; The construction safety control technology of the construction line affected by the existing line includes the inspection and safety protection of the blasting construction near the existing line, the reasonable formulation of the construction plan of the transition section of the construction line and the safety risk assessment of the construction of the adjacent business line structure, and so on. The research on construction risk assessment and control technology of Chongqing Baisatuo Yangtze River Bridge has perfected and enriched the theory of bridge construction risk identification, evaluation and control technology affected by the existing line. At the same time, it provides a reference for the effective control and management of the bridge construction safety risk affected by the existing line.


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