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发布时间:2019-05-21 18:00
[Abstract]:Research purpose: landslide which can not be avoided is often encountered in line selection. When the direction of tunnel is consistent with the main slip direction of landslide, it is called tunnel-landslide parallel system, which may pose a serious threat to the construction and operation of tunnel. At present, there is no unified understanding and calculation theory for the tunnel passing through the landslide. In this paper, the parallel system of tunnel and landslide is taken as the research object. Through the model test, three tunnel models with different buried depths are set up to simulate the excavation process of the tunnel, and the slope body is peristaltic under the loading at the back of the tunnel. Strain gauges are arranged around the tunnel to monitor the strain of the tunnel, and a percentile is arranged to monitor the displacement at the characteristic position of the slope surface. The conclusions are as follows: (1) in the parallel system, the larger the buried depth of the tunnel is, the smaller the effect of stress release on the top slope of the tunnel is after excavation. With the increase of the buried depth, the strain of the tunnel increases gradually. (2) the displacement test shows that the horizontal displacement at the junction of bedrock and landslide is the largest, and the point with the largest vertical displacement at the top of the slope is located in the middle of the entrance of the tunnel and the bedrock; (3) it is found that the tunnel-landslide system extends into the sliding body with a small length, and the stress mode of the tunnel is closer to the rod-shaped stress structure hinged at both ends. When the extension length is large, the stress mode of the tunnel is closer to the overhanging structure, and the tunnel is easy to produce stress concentration at the interface between bedrock and slide body. (4) the conclusion of this study can provide some reference for the design and construction of high-speed railway passing through landslide area.
【作者单位】: 中铁西北科学研究院有限公司;中国铁道科学研究院;兰州交通大学;
【基金】:铁道部科技研究开发计划重点课题(2010G018-C-3-1) 甘肃省交通建设科研项目(200813) 中国中铁股份公司科技开发计划(20160203)


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