[Abstract]:Fire is the main form of disaster that threatens public safety, which brings great losses to the country and people every year. At present, the research on structural damage assessment and identification after fire is not enough, and the theoretical research on the durability and seismic performance of building structures after fire is not deep enough. In the actual work of engineering inspection and evaluation, Often, the detection methods are not suitable for the complexity of fire damage, which makes the damage assessment and identification after fire too simple and incomplete. Therefore, it is of great significance to detect and identify the damage degree of building structure after fire and to study the corresponding repair scheme. On the basis of the existing research results, this paper summarizes some commonly used detection methods and methods, such as visual method, springback method, ultrasonic method, core drilling method and so on, and analyzes their advantages, disadvantages and application scope. Finally, the above theoretical research results are applied to fire engineering examples. Combined with the engineering example, the main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) in view of the damage of bridge structure after fire, this paper applies a variety of detection methods to carry out field detection, and obtains more field measured data. It provides the corresponding data basis for the subsequent damage judgment. (2) based on the results of fire site investigation and detection, the damage rating of the corresponding components is obtained through analysis; (3) the existing fire maintenance and reinforcement methods are summarized, and the reasonable suggestions of maintenance and reinforcement are given according to the actual situation of component damage in this project.
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