[Abstract]:In recent years, with the large-scale construction of highway, bridge and other large traffic projects, the application of a large number of pile foundations and the improvement of the performance of construction machinery and equipment, the mechanization degree of pile foundation in the process of the project has been obviously improved, therefore, the suitability to engineering geological conditions has been enhanced. Bored pile has many advantages, such as simple construction, safety and fast drilling speed, so it has been widely used in bridge foundation design and construction. However, due to the existence of various complex geological conditions, the construction technology of bored pile is limited, so it is of great practical significance to discuss and study the construction technology of bored pile. The development mechanism and cave function of caverns are various, and the engineering geological conditions in caverns area are very complex, which brings many unfavorable factors to the design, construction and operation of highway engineering. Based on the pile foundation of Hutuo No. 3 Bridge on Xingfen Expressway, this paper studies the engineering geological investigation of caverns and caverns, studies the stability and pile foundation characteristics of caverns in caverns, strengthens the research on pile foundation design and construction of bridges in caverns, and provides reliable theoretical basis and technical support for similar projects, which is of great guiding significance for the design and construction of pile foundations of newly built highway bridges in caverns. Firstly, the basic principles of cave science are studied, including the basic conditions of cave development, the shape and type of cave, the origin and classification of cave, and the harm of cave to engineering and its treatment methods, including the harm of cave water to engineering, the harm of Karst cave to engineering and the engineering treatment of cave hazard. Secondly, the engineering geological survey, geological radar survey and site excavation disclosure of pile foundation Karst area of Hutuo No. 3 Bridge on Xingfen Expressway are deeply studied, and the treatment scheme of pile foundation caverns for Hutuo No. 3 Bridge is put forward, and the bearing capacity of pile foundation after design change is checked and analyzed, and the treatment effect is preliminarily analyzed.
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