发布时间:2022-01-04 00:23
【文章来源】:西南交通大学四川省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:54 页
Chapter One:Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Objective
1.3 Scope of study
1.4 The significance of the study
Chapter Two:Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Railway
2.3 Economic Impact of Railway Transportation
2.3.1 Railway Economic Opportunities
2.3.2 Role of railway transport to the socio-economic growth
2.4 Environmental impact of rail transportation
2.4.1 Air Pollution
Chapter Three:The Proposed Herat-Khaf Railway System
3.1 Identification of Transport Routes and Current Traffic of Interest Relative to the Afghanistan and Iran
3.1.1 China–Iran
3.1.2 China-Turkey
3.1.3 China– EU
3.2 An Economic perusing of Afghanistan’s Railway:
3.3 Effects of Railway project on Herat province
3.3.1 Business in Herat province:
3.3.2 Islam Qala port:
3.3.3 The economic situation of Herat province
3.3.4 Business in Herat province:
3.3.5 Arena of Islam Qala:
3.3.6 Torghundi Port:
Chapter four:Herat-Khaf import and export and its impact on railway
4.1 Exports partners The major export partners of Afghanistan:
4.2 Import partners:
4.3 Afghanistan GDP
4.3.1 Investigating the variables in statistical and economic justification
Chapter Five:Conclusion
Future Research
【文章来源】:西南交通大学四川省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:54 页
Chapter One:Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Objective
1.3 Scope of study
1.4 The significance of the study
Chapter Two:Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Railway
2.3 Economic Impact of Railway Transportation
2.3.1 Railway Economic Opportunities
2.3.2 Role of railway transport to the socio-economic growth
2.4 Environmental impact of rail transportation
2.4.1 Air Pollution
Chapter Three:The Proposed Herat-Khaf Railway System
3.1 Identification of Transport Routes and Current Traffic of Interest Relative to the Afghanistan and Iran
3.1.1 China–Iran
3.1.2 China-Turkey
3.1.3 China– EU
3.2 An Economic perusing of Afghanistan’s Railway:
3.3 Effects of Railway project on Herat province
3.3.1 Business in Herat province:
3.3.2 Islam Qala port:
3.3.3 The economic situation of Herat province
3.3.4 Business in Herat province:
3.3.5 Arena of Islam Qala:
3.3.6 Torghundi Port:
Chapter four:Herat-Khaf import and export and its impact on railway
4.1 Exports partners The major export partners of Afghanistan:
4.2 Import partners:
4.3 Afghanistan GDP
4.3.1 Investigating the variables in statistical and economic justification
Chapter Five:Conclusion
Future Research