[Abstract]:Shape memory alloy (SMA) has been successfully applied to variable stiffness vibration control of intelligent beam structures because of its large elastic modulus. According to the principle of variable stiffness control, a reasonable control strategy is worked out, and the steady and transient vibration responses of the system are successfully reduced. It is found that the Ti50Ni41Cu9 ternary memory alloy has a high thermal response rate, and the elastic modulus can change more than 4 times before and after phase transformation under the control of temperature, and the first three natural frequencies of the structure can be significantly adjusted by installing the memory alloy plate at the root of the composite beam. Through the variable temperature operation of the memory alloy, the response of the resonance state of the system is effectively reduced, and the influence of the variable stiffness rate on the nonlinear characteristics and control effect of the system is studied, and the control of the transient vibration response of the intelligent beam under wide frequency conversion excitation is successfully realized by formulating the temperature loading strategy. The results show that temperature control of memory alloy can effectively change the natural frequency of the structure and affect the vibration characteristics. The nonlinear characteristics caused by variable stiffness operation across the resonance region can effectively disperse the main frequency vibration energy, and the faster stiffness change rate is helpful to further reduce the vibration response.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学能源与动力工程学院;
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