发布时间:2018-01-04 09:46
本文关键词:无线遥控教鞭设计与实现 出处:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 无线遥控教鞭 AT89S52嵌入式微控制器 C#.NET
【摘要】:当今信息时代,各国都在大力推进教育信息化,力求在教育过程中尽可能多地使用以计算机、多媒体和网络通信为基础的现代信息技术。随着我国教育信息化步伐的加快,各级各类教育教学机构都建设有越来越多的多媒体教室、多媒体实验室等具有信息化特色的教学、实验场所,这其中均设有以计算机为中心的多媒体讲台,辅之以投影仪、投影屏、麦克风和扬声器,便构成一套较为完整的信息化教学设备。而美中不足的是,由于计算机的鼠标、键盘大多以有线方式与主机相连,因此先进设备的使用者——教师往往被束缚于计算机旁,其活动空间也仅限于多媒体讲台后的方寸之地,既显得不够灵活,又削弱了教学效果。使用无线鼠标、键盘固然是可行的解决方案,但前者成本较高,后者携带不便。若能设计出集鼠标与键盘常用按键功能于一身,成本低廉、轻便易用的无线遥控教鞭,将会很好地解决该问题,嵌入式技术能使这种愿望变为现实。 嵌入式技术是面向各领域设计开发对功能、成本、体积、功耗和可靠性有着严格要求的专用计算机系统的技术,它在汽车电子、消费电子、医疗卫生、教育科研、工业生产、军事国防等各方面均有诸多应用。 无线遥控教鞭作为嵌入式技术在教育教学领域的应用,标志教学手段的进步,符合教育信息化建设的要求,因此,可以说无线遥控教鞭是蓬勃发展的嵌入式技术与当今信息化大趋势相结合的产物。 本文在对无线遥控教鞭进行需求分析的基础上确定了其功能需求,进而提出总体设计方案。针对教鞭遥控器与接收器间遥控信号传输方式的选择问题,阐述了红外遥控和RF遥控的原理,并对此二种方式加以比较,考虑到RF遥控信号传输距离较远且不受障碍物遮挡影响的特点,选定RF遥控方式。针对接收器与计算机间的通信方式选择问题,阐述了串口通信、USB通信和USB转串口通信的原理,比较了三种通信方式下程序开发的复杂度,最后选定USB转串口通信方式,该方式需运行于计算机上的微机端软件配合接收器工作。至此,确定了由遥控器、接收器、微机端软件三者组成的无线遥控教鞭总体设计方案,同时确定了程序设计语言与开发工具。 在总体设计基础上,介绍了无线遥控教鞭软、硬件的设计及实现。硬件设计方面,经过对性能、成本等因素的综合考量,最终选定AT89S52嵌入式微控制器作为接收器的核心,并选择使用成型的RF遥控收发模块。软件设计方面,详细阐述了接收器程序和微机端软件各项功能的原理和设计开发思路,并给出主要实现代码。 在本文的最后,对无线遥控教鞭进行了实验与测试,结果表明各项功能运行正常,能够满足功能需求。 本课题设计实现的无线遥控教鞭能将教师从计算机旁解放出来,与学生近距离接触,增进交流。该教鞭不仅是信息时代重要的教学工具,也是各种演说场合重要的辅助工具。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Chinese educational informationization , more and more multimedia classrooms , multimedia labs and so on have been built around the computer . Embedded technology is a kind of special computer system which has strict requirements on function , cost , volume , power consumption and reliability . It has many applications in automotive electronics , consumer electronics , health , education , scientific research , industrial production , military defense , etc . As the application of embedded technology in the field of educational teaching , the wireless remote control teaching whip can be used to mark the progress of teaching means and meet the requirement of education information construction . Therefore , it can be said that the wireless remote control teaching whip is the product of the booming embedded technology and the current trend of informatization . On the basis of demand analysis of wireless remote control , this paper presents its functional requirements and puts forward the general design scheme . The principle of infrared remote control and RF remote control is discussed in the light of the selection of remote control signal transmission between the remote controller and receiver . On the basis of the general design , the design and realization of the soft and hardware of wireless remote control are introduced . In the aspect of hardware design , the AT89S52 embedded microcontroller is selected as the core of the receiver , and the RF remote control transceiver module is selected . In the end of this paper , the experiment and test of the wireless remote control teaching whip have been carried out . The results show that the functions are normal and the functional requirements can be met . It is not only an important teaching tool in the information age , but also an important auxiliary tool in all kinds of speech .
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