本文选题:录音文件存储 + HDFS ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the communication service industry, the business types and service categories of the enterprises have become diversified, and the number of interaction between users and customer service personnel has also increased rapidly.Many companies are also under increasing customer service pressure, to ensure that service personnel work properly, and to prevent malicious harassment of phone calls, and to ensure that customer service personnel do business in accordance with customer requirements, customer service calls are usually recorded and preserved.These audio files are huge in number and still in rapid dynamic growth.But they are important for later data analysis, for improving employee quality management, and are often preserved for long periods of time.The traditional storage method is low efficiency, heavy workload and high cost.How to store these data safely and efficiently and at low cost is an urgent problem.This paper mainly studies how to use a variety of storage devices to build a distributed storage system to solve the problem of massive audio file storage.This paper analyzes the present situation of cloud storage technology in China, designs and implements the storage system of massive audio files based on HADOOP by investigating the distributed file system technology and combining the storage requirements of massive audio files.This system is a massive recording file storage system based on HDFS. The system consists of client, message queue and service storage.The client mainly provides a friendly user interface. Message queue is the link between the client and the server. The server realizes distributed storage and responds to various requests from the client.The system is a typical production consumer mode, the client sends the request to the message queue, the server processes the request from the message queue and responds to the client.The system server is dynamically extensible. When the server program is added, the service program can receive and process the request of the client as long as it listens to the specified message queue.The following are the steps from requirements to system implementation: first, by analyzing the current situation of mass audio file storage in enterprises, aiming at the shortcomings of traditional recording file storage methods, this paper investigates distributed storage technology.This paper puts forward the requirement of mass audio file system based on HADOOP. Secondly, combining with the current situation and demand of mass audio file storage, the paper designs the storage system of mass sound recording file in detail, which mainly includes the design of user authority authentication.Audio file upload and download design, recording file management function design and audio file sharing design. Thirdly, this paper introduces the environment of distributed file system in detail, and realizes the massive audio file storage system.Including the realization of user authority authentication function, audio file upload and download function realization, recording file management function realization and audio file sharing function realization and so on.Considering portability and security, the system is developed with Java language.The system is divided into client, server, database and distributed storage system.The interface of the system is simple and clean, and it is convenient for users to use. Fourthly, the security of the system, the efficiency of file transfer and the functions of the system are tested. In the storage mode of recording files, the system is compared with the traditional system.With better security performance, data transmission efficiency is also greatly improved, data storage costs are lower.
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