[Abstract]:Cloud computing makes computing resources available on demand and revolutionizes the information technology industry. Allows users to buy computing resources on demand just as they use water and electricity. Many IT vendors, led by Amazon, have launched their own cloud computing services and built data centers with thousands of computing nodes. At the same time, the problem of energy consumption in data center has attracted more and more attention. Large amount of energy consumption not only brings more operating costs, but also brings a lot of carbon emissions and serious environmental problems. According to statistics, the data center's electricity consumption in 2010 accounted for 1.1 percent to 1.5 percent of the world's total power consumption that year, and this proportion is still increasing. In this paper, the energy saving technology of data center is summarized, the existing energy saving technology is divided into different levels, and the research goal of this paper is to study the energy saving technology based on virtual machine scheduling and adjustment in the data center level. Then, by modeling the energy consumption of virtual machine scheduling in the data center, a model of reducing energy consumption by minimizing the busy processing time is proposed to solve the problem of allocating multiple virtual machines to physical machines. For the NP-hard problem, an approximate algorithm with degree of approximation 2 is proposed and proved, and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by simulation experiments. In this paper, the open source data center solution OpenStack energy saving technology research, the specific analysis and study of OpenStack related to energy saving virtual machine migration, virtual machine automatic expansion cluster and other virtual machine adjustment function modules. The research direction of energy saving using these function modules is pointed out. The energy saving module based on virtual machine migration is designed and implemented. A new strategy for adjusting the number of virtual machines is designed, and the efficiency of the strategy is proved by experiments.
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