[Abstract]:In the field of avionics, the modularization technology is mature and the sensor / weapon platform is more intelligent. In the transition process of the information domain advantage of the operational platform to the cognitive domain, a data distribution platform that breaks the weapon platform, the physical connection between the sensors in the platform, and the seamless connection between the various systems is formed. In a typical distributed system, middleware technology can effectively reduce the difficulty and cost of project development and provide the support of QoS. Therefore, middleware technology has become a good solution in the distributed avionics system.
Traditional information systems, such as communication navigation recognition (CNI) systems (including more modularized ICNI systems) or data chain (DL) systems, are distributed systems. However, these systems are not used in the design and development of middleware technology, all are process oriented, and in the cognitive domain, a data oriented distributed architecture is necessary. Compared with the traditional development method, the DDS middleware uses the publish / subscribe architecture, provides better support for real-time requirements, and.DDS is a data centric publish / Subscribe Communication model. It optimizes the strong real time system, provides low latency, high throughput, and control level for real-time performance, so that DDS can be widely used. It can be used in many fields such as aviation, national defense, distributed simulation, industrial automation, distributed control, robotics, power and networked consumer electrical appliances.
This paper will build a data centric distributed application in the experimental environment, and the QoS strategy using DDS to prove that the data distribution service can provide the performance, predictability and resource controllability of the real-time system, and analyze the experimental data and compare with the existing projects, The feasibility and feasibility analysis report of DDS can be proved in the future project. The distributed system platform adopts PowerPC+VxWorks based software and hardware design scheme, uses object-oriented technology and design pattern used in DDS to realize the data distribution function of heterogeneous platform composed of two kinds of transmission media with serial port and RapidIO.
Although there are a lot of distributed data distribution tools and components under the Windows platform, there are few research on embedded platforms at home and abroad, and there are fewer technical personnel in these fields. This paper analyzes the group communication and performance in the distributed real-time system on the embedded platform, and obtains the related performance indicators. And the feasibility report of DDS applied to other distributed combat information service system.
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