[Abstract]:Since 2010, with its strong performance, excellent user experience and good mobility, portability has been favored by more and more people, attracting consumers in various industries. This paper attempts to design a student tablet computer based on ARM architecture and WinCE operating system through the current development situation of tablet computer and the deficiency of existing products. In this paper, the 32-bit CPU IMX535D of Freescale is used as the core of the hardware system, including power management, audio and video system, gravity induction, optical sensor and GPS function module. Embedded WinCE7.0 is used as operating system, Altium Designer6.0 is used as hardware development environment, and Microsoft Visual Studio2008 software is used to develop system BSP and application software. In this paper, the main function and technical performance of the system, the composition and working principle of the system are described in detail, and the hardware and software design of the main functional unit module is emphasized. Firstly, the paper introduces the development of tablet computer and the significance of the research work in this paper. Secondly, the functional requirements and index requirements of the system are analyzed. Based on this, the overall design scheme of the system is proposed, including the hardware core, operating system, hardware and software development environment of the system. Then, the principle of the system and the realization of each module function are introduced in detail. After this design the most important motherboard design gives the corresponding rules. Finally, the main conclusions of this paper are obtained, and the further optimization work of the system is prospected.
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