[Abstract]:In recent years, the development of brain-computer interface system has been paid attention by many researchers at home and abroad, and has become a new research hotspot in the field of neural engineering. With the development of brain-computer interface, researchers are trying to apply BCI technology to real life. However, for the brain-computer interface system based on motion imagination, when the number of leads is too large, the performance of the common spatial mode algorithm will be reduced, so the brain-computer interface system has been difficult to be applied in real life. In addition, with the increase of the number of leads, the recording of multichannel EEG signals requires complicated preparation and complicated calculation process, which may be time-consuming and reduce the classification accuracy. In order to solve this problem, four lead selection algorithms are proposed in this paper: first, binary multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm (bMOPSO); second, culture-based multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm (cMOPSO); third, L1-norm algorithm; The fourth one is cMOPSO algorithm (fbMOPSO). BMOPSO based on filter banks, and both cMOPSO algorithms are based on PSO (PSO). PSO is a heuristic research technique, which is to model and simulate the regularity of birds' activities when looking for food. At first, the PSO algorithm is mainly used to solve the single objective optimization problem. It is an extension of the PSO algorithm, and it is used more and more widely in solving the multi-objective optimization problem. Most MOPSO algorithms use fixed weights and accelerations for all particles throughout the evolution process. Unlike the bMOPSO algorithm, the CMOPSO algorithm adapts to the individual flight parameters of the mutated particles by introducing a culture framework. The third algorithm is the typical L1-norm algorithm, which can select fewer leads for the two classification data. In addition, this paper uses three classification algorithms to classify EEG data: support vector machine (SVM) k- nearest neighbor method (k-NN) and BP neural network algorithm. Finally, three classification algorithms and four lead selection algorithms are simulated. The simulation results show that support vector machine and k- nearest neighbor method are better than BP neural network in the classification of the three classification algorithms. The four lead selection algorithms can select fewer leads based on fbMOPSO without reducing the classification accuracy.
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7 谢s,