[Abstract]:The development direction of ocean observation technology is mainly network and intelligence. However, the incompatibility of many sensor bus interfaces makes the wiring of ocean observation system complex, which is not conducive to maintenance and upgrade. The intelligent interface module of ocean observation network is designed to solve this problem, so it has important practical significance and broad application prospect. Through the deep understanding and analysis of the international advanced IEEE1451 standard, this paper expounds the overall system model of the intelligent interface module of ocean observation network, and realizes the hardware and software design of the network intelligent interface module. By setting up a simple and effective small observation system, the whole performance test of the module is completed. The main contents and innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. Combined with the theory of IEEE1451 standard, the system model of networked intelligent interface module applied in ocean observation field is proposed. The network intelligent interface module is designed as two functional modules to communicate with each other: (1) the network adaptor processor NCAP, which realizes the network independence; (2) the "plug and play" intelligent transmitter interface module TIMM. According to this model, the dual-chip system is mainly responsible for network communication, data processing and task management. Tim is mainly responsible for the underlying data acquisition and TEDS reading. 2. On the basis of the overall system model, the hardware platform and software system are designed. The serial port rich low power, high performance ARM chip STM32 is chosen as the core processor of NCAP and TIM, and the DS18B20 SHT75 and GPS modules are used to collect data, and the most basic environmental factor acquisition part in ocean observation field is designed. The embedded Web server is designed with the combination of LwIP protocol and Web technology, and the network function is realized. The client can query the location information and collect data information of the bottom sensor of the system only by clicking on the web page. Can achieve remote observation. 3. In this paper, the TEDS technology to realize the intelligent function of "plug and play" is discussed, and two necessary TEDSs are designed to realize the self-checking and self-recognition functions of the system.
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