[Abstract]:With the development of computer technology, the complexity of a host computer software, the topology and the power requirement of the embedded system are higher, while the power demand of the host is reduced. In this paper, the improvement of Host system is put forward by using the method of theoretical analysis and analysis. The USB Host system is established in the embedded system with scarce resources and no operating system with the optimal performance-price ratio. After testing the improved system, it can be found that the improved system performance overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional Host system and meets the needs of the majority of users. Based on the theory foundation, we can realize the embedded USB host application program and its supporting device class protocols independently of the operating system. The key to the establishment of embedded USB Host system is how to solve the contradiction between the limited resources of single chip computer and the support of complex USB protocol. In order to realize the development of embedded USB Host system based on single chip computer, there are some technical difficulties: how to deal with the specific application needs through the limited resources of the single chip microcomputer itself, How to use the clipped USB protocol to deal with the, USB Host system function of a specific USB device. At present, there are two solutions to this problem: one is to integrate the MCU: control module of the USB kernel and use it as the MCU microcontroller of the peripheral part of the chip, which includes an integrated USB physical layer, and does not require any external components. The shortcoming is that the MCU chip used must be specific, which limits the implementation of its application function, and can not meet the needs of the widely used embedded system design. It also needs special development tools, and the development cost is high. The second is 32-bit MCU+RTOS.. Because high performance processors / microcontrollers can perform a lot of tedious functions in this case, including the USB host function. The higher the performance of processor / microcontroller is, the higher its price is, and it takes a long time to develop the processor / microcontroller. The RTOS development platform is expensive, the enterprise is difficult to realize, the technical threshold is high, and the realization is difficult. In this paper, a new scheme is proposed to solve the shortcomings of the above two schemes. We can directly use MCU USB master control chip, the former can drive the latter, and can directly complete access to Mass Storage USB devices. The advantage of this scheme is that the 8-bit MCU, is used to simplify the hardware circuit, reduce the peripheral devices and reduce the system cost. By executing the virtual software module CPU, the common I / O port can be directly driven to realize the hardware peripheral function.
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