[Abstract]:In the development of application software, the concept of virtual machine plays an important guiding role in solving the core problems in software development, such as code maintainability and system robustness. Not only in the early computer hardware and software design, play a central role, in the actual software development, especially on the embedded system, still have important guidance. At the same time because of the complexity of the virtual machine the literature and design examples needed to analyze and implement the virtual machine system are either lack of integrity or lack of guidance in the corresponding connection. This paper focuses on resolving this contradiction. Virtual machine is an effective solution for computer software, hardware upgrading and application development and maintenance. As an engineering application paper, this paper implements a compact and complete stack virtual machine with a small kernel structure. The algorithm and structure of virtual machine design are implemented in combination with concrete examples. At the same time, a high-level language Csmart and its compiler are provided. Thus constitutes a very good reference of the complete virtual machine solution. There are two ways to implement virtual machine in architecture selection, one is based on stack structure and the other is based on register structure, and these two ways are directly related to the design of virtual instruction system, and the stack structure corresponds to the reduced instruction system. The register-based mode corresponds to the complex instruction system. Because the stack structure can easily realize the software function of the general register in CPU, the application on the virtual machine can be more portable. The virtual machine that this article will introduce is the virtual machine based on stack structure. Based on the analysis and research of these two methods, especially the implementation of java virtual machine based on stack structure, the core design of a compact but complete virtual machine (Stack-based virtual machine). SVM) based on stack structure is realized. The data structure and algorithm of the virtual runtime system and the instruction parser are simplified, illustrated and well organized, which can provide a good reference for the virtual machine designer and have a strong reference in academic and practical aspects. At the same time, the virtual machine needs a high-level language and corresponding compilation system to develop and apply effectively. The high-level language of virtual machine implemented in this paper is Csmart, which is defined by a subset of C language. It is easy to understand, simple and practical, and not only enhances the reference ability of SVM. At the same time, the compilation and code generation of high-level languages are given a concise but not complete description. Csmat compiler is implemented by recursive descent. The innovation of this approach is that scanning analysis (lexical and grammatical) and code generation of Csmart programs can be completed in a single scan, which can effectively compile Csmart with simple language structure into machine code. Moreover, the code of the compiler is little and the structure is simple. A small but complete virtual machine system is introduced in this paper, which has good reference value for the design and implementation of virtual machine and the practice and research of compiling principle.
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