[Abstract]:With the rapid development of embedded products and the increasing openness of product design, intellectual property protection of embedded products has increasingly become the focus of product developers. The homogenous hardware solution makes more and more product developers integrate their core competence into embedded software, so how to protect the security of embedded software becomes the key to protect embedded products. This paper first analyzes the characteristics of embedded software and the source of security threats, then introduces several common embedded software protection schemes and their advantages and disadvantages. On this basis, an embedded software protection mechanism based on AES security coprocessor is proposed, and the security coprocessor is designed and implemented. The embedded software protection mechanism based on coprocessor effectively solves the problem that pure software protection schemes occupy large system resources and other hardware protection schemes only provide identity authentication. The security coprocessor uses the heterogeneous S-box AES coprocessor to verify the host identity and encrypt the user data and programs. Meanwhile, the built-in EEPROM memory can store the user data and programs safely. Considering the limited resources of embedded system, a variety of optimization structures and algorithms are adopted in the design and implementation of the security processor to achieve a good balance among security, area, speed and power consumption. On the basis of the system architecture, each functional module is divided into two parts. According to the standard flow of ASIC design, the coprocessor is designed with verilog hardware description language, and then Modelsim is used to simulate the function, and the FPGA platform is built for hardware verification. In the HuaHong NEC0.35 micron process library, DesignCompiler is used to synthesize, and the back-end layout is designed with Astro. Finally, the flow sheet is successfully realized in HuaHong NEC, and the chip behind the convection chip is built up to test the hardware platform. The test results show that the security coprocessor can meet the expected requirements.
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