发布时间:2018-11-02 17:40
【摘要】:传统手工技艺是中国文化的重要组成部分,具有悠久的历史、丰富的文化内涵与重要的资源利用价值,凝结着中华民族几千年来的智慧与创造。日本学者柳宗悦说:“只有工艺的存在我们才能生活。从早到晚或工作或休息。我们身着衣物而感到温暖,依靠成套的器物来安排饮食,备置家具、器皿来丰富生活……因此,如果工艺是贫弱的,生活也将随之空虚。”传统手工技艺是一种满足人类物质生活和精神生活的一种文化艺术[1]。 但伴随现代化和技术革命的发展,传统手工技艺所呈现出的不同形态,有些沦于濒危状态,,有些则已经湮没失传。 传统手工技艺遗产注重的是技能、技术、知识的传承。近年来,我国政府高度重视传统手工技艺遗产的保护,各地开展了一系列保护传承工作。保护的方式和措施也呈现多样化、多元化、地域差异化。但是就保护传承的效果来看,存在的问题还是很多。每个保护地区各自为阵,保护传承方式措施、保护成果、创新研究成果等信息资源相对封闭。缺少交流互动、资源共享,创新活态性资源共享利用率低。为此,本文认为对传统手工技艺遗产的保护传承与利用,资源的信息化以及这些信息资源的共享交流很重要。资源的共享交流,新元素的不断注入是保护传承传统手工技艺遗产的有效途径之一。 对于如何快速的搭建这样一个信息资源交流共享的平台,本文运用现代数字技术、网络技术、计算机辅助设计技术等技术手段,并引入了云技术来探索一种新的保护传承传统手工技艺遗产的方法和途径。 本文共分为六章。第一章为绪论;第二章为传统手工技艺概述;第三章为云技术;第四章为传统手工技艺信息“云”模型的勾勒;第五章为传统手工技艺信息“云”模型的实现;第六章为结论。全文围绕云技术概念及理论应用,整合传统手工技艺资源信息,搭建属于传统手工技艺遗产自己的私有“云”模型,让传统手工技艺遗产资源成为一种新的生产力。
[Abstract]:Traditional craftsmanship is an important part of Chinese culture, with a long history, rich cultural connotation and important resource utilization value, condensing the wisdom and creation of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. Japanese scholar Liu Zongyue said: "only the existence of technology we can live." Work or rest from morning to night. We feel warm in clothing and rely on complete sets of utensils for food, furniture and utensils to enrich our lives. Therefore, if the craftsmanship is poor, life will be empty. " Traditional craftsmanship is a kind of culture and art which satisfies the material and spiritual life of human beings. But with the development of modernization and technological revolution, some of the different forms of traditional handicraft have been lost, some of them are endangered and others have been lost in oblivion. The heritage of traditional handicraft skills focuses on the inheritance of skills, technology and knowledge. In recent years, our government attaches great importance to the protection of traditional artisanal heritage. The ways and measures of protection also present diversification, diversification and regional differentiation. However, in terms of the effect of heritage protection, there are still a lot of problems. Each protected area has its own information resources, such as protection and inheritance measures, conservation results, innovative research results and other information resources are relatively closed. Lack of communication and interaction, resource sharing, innovative living resource sharing low utilization rate. Therefore, this paper holds that it is very important to protect, inherit and utilize the heritage of traditional handicraft skills, to informationize the resources and to share and exchange these information resources. The sharing and exchange of resources and the continuous injection of new elements are one of the effective ways to protect and inherit the heritage of traditional handicraft. For how to quickly build such a platform for exchanging and sharing information resources, this paper uses modern digital technology, network technology, computer-aided design technology and other technical means. Cloud technology is introduced to explore a new way to protect and inherit the heritage of traditional artisanal techniques. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction; the second chapter is the overview of the traditional handicraft technology; the third chapter is the cloud technology; the fourth chapter is the outline of the traditional handicraft information "cloud" model; the fifth chapter is the realization of the traditional handicraft information "cloud" model; the sixth chapter is the conclusion. This paper focuses on the concept and application of cloud technology, integrates the information of traditional artisanal technology resources, sets up a private "cloud" model which belongs to the traditional handicraft heritage, and makes the traditional handicraft heritage resources become a new productive force.
[Abstract]:Traditional craftsmanship is an important part of Chinese culture, with a long history, rich cultural connotation and important resource utilization value, condensing the wisdom and creation of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. Japanese scholar Liu Zongyue said: "only the existence of technology we can live." Work or rest from morning to night. We feel warm in clothing and rely on complete sets of utensils for food, furniture and utensils to enrich our lives. Therefore, if the craftsmanship is poor, life will be empty. " Traditional craftsmanship is a kind of culture and art which satisfies the material and spiritual life of human beings. But with the development of modernization and technological revolution, some of the different forms of traditional handicraft have been lost, some of them are endangered and others have been lost in oblivion. The heritage of traditional handicraft skills focuses on the inheritance of skills, technology and knowledge. In recent years, our government attaches great importance to the protection of traditional artisanal heritage. The ways and measures of protection also present diversification, diversification and regional differentiation. However, in terms of the effect of heritage protection, there are still a lot of problems. Each protected area has its own information resources, such as protection and inheritance measures, conservation results, innovative research results and other information resources are relatively closed. Lack of communication and interaction, resource sharing, innovative living resource sharing low utilization rate. Therefore, this paper holds that it is very important to protect, inherit and utilize the heritage of traditional handicraft skills, to informationize the resources and to share and exchange these information resources. The sharing and exchange of resources and the continuous injection of new elements are one of the effective ways to protect and inherit the heritage of traditional handicraft. For how to quickly build such a platform for exchanging and sharing information resources, this paper uses modern digital technology, network technology, computer-aided design technology and other technical means. Cloud technology is introduced to explore a new way to protect and inherit the heritage of traditional artisanal techniques. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction; the second chapter is the overview of the traditional handicraft technology; the third chapter is the cloud technology; the fourth chapter is the outline of the traditional handicraft information "cloud" model; the fifth chapter is the realization of the traditional handicraft information "cloud" model; the sixth chapter is the conclusion. This paper focuses on the concept and application of cloud technology, integrates the information of traditional artisanal technology resources, sets up a private "cloud" model which belongs to the traditional handicraft heritage, and makes the traditional handicraft heritage resources become a new productive force.
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