[Abstract]:The full name of CMF is the color (Color), material (Material), surface treatment (Finish). On the basis of traditional industrial design process, relatively independent and complete CMF research has been paid more and more attention by large enterprises and design institutions. Become an important means to enrich the product line. In a nutshell, CMF can work in the following ways: first, create different product value experiences. Second, distinguish different user groups and help the product to make specific plans. Third, to avoid the development of too many new products, cost savings. Fourth, extend the product life cycle. Fifth, from the morphology of semantic auxiliary products use function. With the development of science and technology, printers have become one of the common items in office and home. Our research is based on a background where printer products are still primarily office use, but are beginning to shift to home use. To a certain extent, printers from the office market to the home market expansion trend is very certain. With the improvement of national strength, the Chinese market has great potential for printer products. With the expansion of the printer market and the popularity of electronic products, the demand for printers is increasing, and the trend of diversification is inevitable. The starting point of this paper includes: the industrial design of inkjet printer, the analysis of the market of ink-jet printer in China, the basic knowledge of CMF, and the application analysis of CMF in printer products. Based on this, the paper summarizes the problems of printer CMF from three aspects: user (user), environment of use and sustainability. And its future trend is judged. Finally, put forward a new plan to make up for the short board. Combining with a large number of examples and detailed engineering data, this paper makes a rational analysis of many perceptual problems. Create a solid foundation for the conclusion of the article as much as possible.
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