[Abstract]:In this paper, the numerical simulation of the ice crystal growth process is realized based on the phase field theory model established in the research of the ice crystal growth mechanism of liquid food freezing and concentration. The structure of ice crystals in the two-dimensional direction is simulated, and the result analysis is carried out. In this paper, the numerical analysis method of partial differential equation and the principle and theory of parallel computer system architecture and its programming principles and methods are discussed. The specific content is as follows: 1) The phase field differential equation, the solute field differential equation and the mathematical model of the disturbance differential equation are established by using the phase field theory in the research of the liquid freezing and concentration ice crystal growth mechanism, and the equivalent form of the differential equation is further understood and derived, this paper analyzes the form of suitable numerical calculation and finds out the method of numerical dispersion in time and space. 2) The general principle of the parallel computer system is discussed in detail, in particular the hardware features related to the performance of parallel computation. In this paper, the architecture of the parallel computer is discussed, in particular, the resource of the node is calculated. The result of the numerical analysis is mapped to the node of the Dawning 5000A and the solution model of the parallel computation is abstracted. 4) The general principle of MPI and OpenMP parallel design method is discussed, and the numerical analysis is combined. In this paper, the model of particle size matching acceleration ratio is discussed, the relation between the parallel granularity partition and the parallel performance, and the parallel programming technique for computing and communication overlap are studied. 5) The algorithm and the parallel program for parallel computing data processing are designed. The data result analysis and test of the program are discussed. Parallel performance evaluation method.
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