[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the working principle of high-speed serial flash memory chip and designs a universal device driver for this chip which can be used in real-time embedded system. High-speed serial flash memory is a non-volatile memory chip based on NOR structure flash memory technology (abbreviated as NORFlash technology) and using extended serial interface. The flash memory can run at a clock rate of up to 100 megahertz and has a four-bit data bit width with at least 8 pins. It is manufactured in an advanced process ranging from 40 nm to 60 nm, resulting in a minimum package size of 8 脳 6 mm for this type of flash memory. Therefore, high-speed serial flash memory has the advantages of high performance and low cost. The traditional serial flash memory based on NORFlash technology follows the standard SPI protocol, it has only one bit width of data, and the highest clock frequency that can be run is on the low side. However, the traditional parallel flash memory (especially based on NORFlash) has a high bit width, but its production cost is high, and its performance is difficult to improve because of physical limitations. High-speed serial flash memory follows a new extended SPI protocol. The data bit width of high-speed serial flash memory is four times that of traditional serial flash memory, and the performance of high-speed serial flash memory is much better than that of traditional serial flash memory. In an embedded system with a high-capacity cache (Cache), the use of this high-speed serial flash is comparable to the use of parallel flash memory. High-speed serial flash memory not only inherits the low-cost advantage of traditional serial flash memory, but also can match the performance of parallel flash memory, so it has a great competitive advantage to replace the traditional serial flash memory and the traditional parallel flash memory. The storage principle of high-speed serial flash memory is similar to that of traditional parallel flash memory, but their control modes and operating instructions are completely different. Therefore, high-speed serial flash memory can not use the driver of traditional parallel flash memory. On the other hand, high-speed serial flash memory extends the transport protocol of traditional serial flash memory, so high-speed serial flash memory can not use the driver of traditional serial flash memory. In this paper, the working principle and control mode of high-speed serial flash memory chip are deeply analyzed, and the idea and method of designing universal driver for high-speed serial flash memory are described in detail. The high-speed serial flash memory driver can not only be compatible with many mainstream commercial high-speed serial flash memory, but also maintain the unique advantages of different models of high-speed serial flash memory. In engineering applications, the generality of the driver design makes the cost of software upgrade approach to zero, so this paper has high engineering application value.
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