[Abstract]:Mass storage system is a popular storage solution, which solves the problem of large capacity and large concurrency data access. Mass storage system is a cluster composed of a group of computer nodes. There are two different types of nodes in the cluster, control nodes and data nodes. To use a cluster, you must first deploy the cluster. Cluster deployment is not a new topic, on the contrary, it is a subject with a very historical background. Because of this history, it is difficult for this subject to have great innovation in the process of research. However, the old solution can not keep up with the development of the existing technology in time. The ancient concept of cluster is now showing a new weather, and the old technology can not solve the new problems. There are many kinds of clusters and different structures. Some existing cluster deployment solutions can not solve the deployment of new types of clusters. On this basis, this paper proposes a deployment scheme based on source code compilation, which can fundamentally solve all kinds of problems in cluster deployment. And based on this scheme, a deployment tool MSSDT. for mass storage cluster is designed. MSSDT consists of script files, configuration files and source code packages. The configuration file is responsible for describing and recording the characteristics of the cluster and the composition and configuration of the nodes in the cluster. The script file describes the construction process and installation process of the software package, and the source code is the core part of the whole tool. The configuration file is divided into general configuration file, which is shared by all nodes, and the node configuration file describes the characteristics of a single node. The script file includes making cross-compilation, making installation package, making system package, deploying server configuration package and the core installation program. Source code package includes basic software package, development kit and special software package. Finally, due to a variety of reasons such as time, some ideas have not yet been realized, and some of them are incomplete. In a word, the deployment ideas put forward in this paper are worthy of further study, which can be further excavated so as to make more perfect deployment tools.
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