[Abstract]:At present, the integrated service of home network is growing explosively, and the bandwidth problem of existing wireless access technology has become the bottleneck of the development of integrated service of home network. As the hub of the connection between the home internal network and the external network, the home gateway (HG) determines the connection speed between the home internal network and the external network. In this paper, a structure scheme of home gateway system based on optical fiber wireless fusion access network is presented, and the main gateway system including 60GHz millimeter wave gateway module, WiMax gateway module and subnet gateway module is constructed on the basis of this structure. The 60GHz millimeter wave gateway module and WiMax wireless gateway module are physically implemented by using ROF technology, and an implementation scheme of embedded sub-gateway system based on ARM9 and Linux is given at the same time. The sub-gateway system uses S3C2440A chip as the processor of the sub-gateway system and uses the processing as the core to extend the hardware equipment of the sub-gateway system. Combined with the software platform users can realize the remote access of the sub-gateway system and the management of home network equipment through the form of web pages. In the aspect of hardware platform design, this paper extends SDRAM module, Ethernet module, UART module, NandFlash module, temperature sensing module and wireless transmission module based on WiFi with S3C2440A processor as the core. In the design of the software platform, the first step of this paper is to modify and migrate boot, and then add the driver to the Linux kernel to extend each hardware module. Finally, the modified Linux kernel and file system are ported to the sub-gateway system. Second, on the basis of the operating system Linux, the Web server in the sub-gateway system is analyzed and designed, and the light embedded database SQLite, is introduced to realize the remote access to the subnet shutdown system by users in the form of web pages. In order to communicate with home network equipment, the home network protocol is designed in this paper, and the dynamic HTTP request is realized by writing CGI application program and web page program based on HTML language. Finally, the response time of Web server and CGI application program in gateway system is tested and analyzed, and it is proved that the scheme of subnet shutdown system meets the requirements of practical utility.
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