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Design of a clustered data-driven array processor for comput

发布时间:2024-03-07 17:53
  Computer vision(CV) is widely expected to be the next big thing in emerging applications. So many heterogeneous architectures for computer vision emerge. However, plenty of data need to be transferred between different structures for heterogeneous architecture. The long data transfer delay becomes the mainly problem to limit the processing speed for computer vision applications. For reducing data transfer delay and fasting computer vision applications, a clustered data-driven array processor is ...

【文章页数】:11 页

0 Introduction
1 Related work and motivation
2 Clustered data-driven array processor
    2.1 Pipelined PE based on two-buffer dataflow driven interface
    2.2 Transcendental function accelerator
    2.3 Distributed shared memory structure
3 Computer vision algorithm mapping
    3.1 Sobel edge detection
    3.2 Canny edge detection
4 Simulation and performance analysis
5 Conclusions




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