[Abstract]:Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important tropical root crop with the characteristics of high light efficiency drought resistance and poor tolerance. It is the main food crop in arid and arid areas of the tropics and subtropics. Stomata are important structures regulating the exchange of gas and water between plants and the outside world, and they are one of the main factors affecting plant drought tolerance. In order to study the relationship between stomatal density, stomatal regulation and cassava drought resistance. The stomatal density of 92 cassava cultivars was statistically analyzed under drought stress, and 6 cultivars with typical stomatal density were selected for further determination of physiological and biochemical indexes. In order to explore the correlation between photosynthetic efficiency, drought tolerance and stomatal density of cassava. At the same time, we found that the stomatal density of MeMYB2-RNAi transgenic cassava was significantly higher than that of non-transgenic plants, and its photosynthetic rate was significantly higher than that of non-transgenic plants. The results in several cultivars and MeMYB2-RNAi transgenic cassava showed that there was no correlation between stomatal density and drought resistance of cassava. We speculate that cassava may reduce its water loss by closing the stomata quickly in order to avoid drought. The regulation mechanism of high stomatal density and rapid stomatal closure can not only meet the needs of cassava as a tropical crop with high light efficiency, but also ensure its drought tolerance. Plant plants under drought stress will produce hormone abscisic acid (ABA), and thus promote the production of reactive oxygen (ROS), thus closing stomata, in order to reduce leaf water evaporation, protect plants through the drought period. However, a large amount of ROS produced in this process can destroy the redox balance in cells and cause damage to plant. Glutathione / glutathione system is an important protein redox system in plants. By regulating the redox state of proteins, the glutendoxin (CC-type Glutaredoxins) is a unique class of glutenin in higher plants, which is involved in the ROS signal transduction pathway of plants. It can effectively protect plant cells from oxidative damage under oxidative stress. In this study, the differential expression of multiple CC-type GRX genes in cassava was analyzed. It was found that the expression of multiple CC-type GRX genes in cassava leaves was induced by drought stress. Our team has done some research on cassava CC-type GRX involved in the regulation of stomata by ABA. It was found that the ability of CC-type GRX to induce stomatal closure was significantly weakened in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana with overexpression of MeGRX232. The reduced tolerance of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana to drought stress. CC glutendoxin can interact with TGA transcription factors to regulate the expression of a series of genes downstream. In order to further explore the interaction protein of CC-type GRX in cassava, we screened out the TGA factor which could interact with CC glutenin (MeGRX058) and MeGRX785 in cassava by yeast double cross experiment. The results showed that MeGRX058 and MeTGA304 could interact with each other. In order to further verify its interaction with TGA transcription factors, we selected two genes, brother MeGRX058 and MeGRX785, for further protein expression analysis in vitro, in order to lay a foundation for the further study of GRX function in cassava. We use different label proteins to label MeGRX058 and MeGRX785, and express these two recombinant proteins in yeast and transgenic plants, respectively. The results showed that the two recombinant proteins could be expressed in yeast and transgenic plants, but the expressed products were degraded in large quantities. We speculated that the MeGRX058 and MeGRX785 proteins were degraded by ubiquitin in vivo.
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