[Abstract]:Insects have developed a highly sensitive and complex olfactory system during their long evolutionary process. This unique olfactory sensing mechanism recognizes various specific chemical odors in the external environment through sensation, thus participating in a variety of physiological activities of insects, such as host selection, mate search, spawning, foraging and avoidance. Sexual pheromones and plant volatiles play an important role in the olfactory process of insects. Hyphantria cunea (Drury), a worldwide quarantine pest, suffers immeasurable economic losses and enormous ecological disasters due to its explosive spread. Nowadays, the research on olfactory mechanism and chemosensitivity genes of insects has been concentrated on Lepidoptera pests secreting type-I sex pheromone, but the molecular mechanism of type-II sex pheromone, the olfactory mechanism of American white moth, has not been reported. Therefore, it is urgent to study the olfactory mechanism, especially the molecular mechanism of sex pheromone communication, in order to provide new ideas for the scientific prevention and control of white moth. The main results are as follows: (1) Sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of the antennal transcriptome of the American white moth, Hyphantria xylostella, yielded 64,020,776 Clean reads. After splicing and assembling, 78,131 transcripts (Transcripts) were obtained, and 59,243 Unigenes were screened out. 15,242 Unigenes could be homologously compared with other species in Nr database. Among them, the sequence of Bombyx Mori and White Moth (Bombyx mori) was 48.1%, followed by Danaus plexippus (29.5%). 12,565 Unigenes were successfully annotated with GO, and 5,781 Unigenes were successfully annotated with KO. (3) Of 59,243 Unigenes in the antennal transcription group, 7708 genes were highly expressed (FPKM10). Identification and expression: (1) Homologous comparison of transcriptome data identified 30 odor-binding protein (OBP) genes, 17 chemoreceptor protein (CSP) genes, 52 odor receptor (OR) genes, 10 carboxylesterase (CXE) genes, 2 sensory neuron membrane protein (SNMP) genes, 9 taste receptor (GR) genes and 10 ionotype receptor (IR) genes. (2) Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and fluorescence quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) were used to study the tissue expression of some olfactory genes. The results showed that some OBPs were highly expressed in antennae, three PBPs (Pheromone binding protein) were highly expressed in male antennae, CSP had extensive tissue expression profiles, HyphOR27 (ORco) was highly expressed in antennae, and three PR (HyphOR1, Hyp ORco) were highly expressed in antennae. HOR7, HyphOR50) is highly expressed in male antennae; CXE is widely expressed in larvae, with high expression genes in both male and female antennae; HyphSNMP1 and HyphSNMP2 are highly expressed in female and male antennae, respectively. This study laid a foundation for clarifying the molecular mechanism of sex pheromone communication in the American white moth, and also provided an important basis for exploring new ways of olfactory molecular control in the American white moth. The research has important reference significance and expands the molecular mechanism of olfactory in Lepidoptera moths.
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