侧翼 在 生物学 分类中 的翻译结果
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Cloning and Characterization of the 5' Flanking Sequences of CD2 Gene
TAIL-PCR technique was performed to get the flanking sequence of T-DNA tags(FSTs) from six randomly selected HDF-68 positive T-DNA transformants only in one day time. After analysis of its sequences,the main factors of influencing TAIL-PCR amplification were discussed.
采用TAIL-PCR技术,对随机选取的6个HDF-68阳性T-DNA转化子进行扩增,只利用1 d的时间,即获取了T-DNA标签侧翼序列(FSTs),对其序列进行分析后,分析了影响TAIL-PCR扩增的主要因素.
ERIC(IRU) probably modulates the expression of flanking genes.
ERIC(IRU)很可能调节侧翼基因(flanking gene)的表达。
Analysis of the Mouse Nodal Gene Promoter on Its 5' Flanking Sequence
Analysis of an Inhancer Element of Mouse Nodal Gene in its 5' Flanking Sequence
Cloning and Characterization of the 5' Flanking Sequences of CD2 Gene
Amplification and Analysis of T-DNA Flanking Sequences in Transgenic Rice
Selection of Optimal Primers for TAIL-PCR in Identifying Ds Flanking Sequences from Ac/Ds Insertion Rice Lines
Analysis ofcbf1Flanking Sequences in Transgenic Tobacco by TAIL-PCR
Amplification of Ds Flanking Sequences from Rice Genomic DNA of Hybrids of Ac×Ds Lines and the Analysis of Ds Insertions
1. For the purpose of constructing mammary gland specific expressional vector, the bovine 3 -lactoglobulin gene 5' flanking fragment was cloned by PCR amplification. It consisted of part of the gene upstream region about 645bp> the first exon and the first intron about 804bp.
2. The ATG which was the translation start code of bovine f3 -lactoglobulin gene 5' flanking fragment consisting in part of the gene upstream region about 645bp, the first exon and the first intron about 804bp was mutated to AAG by PCR amplification. The mutant fragment was marked as MBLG fragment.
For the purpose of constructing mammary gland specific expressional vector,the bovine β lactoglobulin gene 5′ flanking fragment was cloned by PCR amplification. It consisted in part of the gene upstream region about 645 bp,the first exon and the first intron about 804 bp.
利用 PCR方法克隆了牛 β-乳球蛋白基因 5′调控成分 (1 4 4 9bp) ,其中包括 5′侧翼序列 (6 4 5 bp) ,第一外显子及第一内含子 (80 4 bp)。
A recombinant plasmid pGL3-Basic-5.5K containing the approximate 5.5K region around the translation initiation codon was constructed.
有多个潜在的启动子区段。 成功构建了重组质粒pGL3-Basic-5.5K,其插入片断包含人BMPR2基因5′侧翼近5.5 K的序列。
TAIL-PCR:A Simple and Efficient Method to Isolate DNA Segments Adjacent to Known Sequence
Sequence and structure analysis of mitochondrial D-loop and tRNA~(thr) & tRNA~(pro) genes in Xiphophorus helleri
剑尾鱼线粒体DNA D-环及侧翼tRNA~(thr)和tRNA~(pro)序列与结构分析
Mechanism of Transcriptional Activation of LRP16 Gene Expression by 17-Estradiol via 5′-Flanking GC-rich Region
Cloning and analyzing the 5′region of follicle stimulating hormone receptor(FSHR) gene on buffalo
Consensus Sequence of Transcription Factor SF-1 Binding Site and Putative Binding Site in the 5'-Flanking Regions of Genes Encod
5'-Flanking regions of genes encoding Cyp17 and 3βHSDI were shown to contain six and five such binding sites, respectively.
The dependence of exonuclease activity on the "canonicity" of the base pair formed by dNMP flanking the nick at the 3' end, on the nature of the group flanking the nick at the 5' end, and on the reaction conditions has been determined.
The misperception of the stimulus size was dependent on the subject's age, the distance between the circles, and the size of the flanking circles.
The smaller flanking circles located at any distance produced size underestimation in younger children; these circles led to size overestimation in case of their location at a short distance in most adults and adolescents.
flanking sequences
No homology was observed between operon-flanking sequences of the two closely related species, suggesting horizontal transfer of the operon.
In particular, L1 retrotransposons, which occupy approximately 20% of genomic DNA, transduce their 3'-flanking sequences to new genomic loci and create pseudogenes via reverse transcription of different types of cellular RNAs.
Several elements in the 5'-flanking (e.g., CAAT and TATA box) and the 3'-flanking sequences have been detected, which has been shown to be necessary for the proper expression of gliadins.
Protein splicing is a posttranslational process that results in excision of an internal protein region (intein) and ligation of its flanking sequences (exteins).
The same was true for its central 2.4-kb fragment devoid of flanking sequences.
flanking fragment
PMA-inducible promotor activity was contained in a 700 base pair 5' flanking fragment conserved with the mouse MAdCAM-1 gene including tandem NF-kB sites, and an Sp1 site; and in addition multiple potential AP2, Adh1 (ETF), PEA3, and Sp1 sites.
Reporter assays of catfish B cells transfected with a 742-bp VL-flanking fragment showed promoter activity in the absence of enhancer elements.
A 647-bp 5'-flanking fragment obtained from genomic clone Sta 44G(2) belonging to a family of polygalacturonase genes expressed inBrassica napus pollen was fused to theβ-glucuronidase (GUS) marker gene.
By screening a genomic library of maize, a 2.2?kb 5' flanking fragment of Zpu1 gene, encoding the pullulanase-type starch debranching enzyme, was isolated.
The 5' flanking fragment of the isolated gene was previously shown to direct endosperm-specific expression of a reporter gene in transgenic tobacco.
One species of Oesophagostomum from the swine is described and considered as new to science. Oesopkagostomum hsiungi n. sp. may be distinguished from the other species belonging to the same genus by having no cervical groove, no cephalic vesieal and no lateral cervical alae
The electromyography of the superior and inferior heads of lateral pterygoid muscle of 15 human subjects were recorded. It has been observed that marked active potential occurred in the superior head of the ipsilateral pterygoid muscle and the inferior head of the contralateral muscle during a one-side molar bite. Marked active Potential appeared in the superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle during the closing movement of the jaw, whereas it appeared in the inferior head during the opening movement.
Distribution of LH cells in the anterior pituitary of the female rats were studied using the horseradish peroxidase immunohistochemical method. It was shown that LH cells arerelatively concentrated in the following regions of the pars distalis: a) the ventral regionof cephalic pars. b) the dorsal region of cephaic pars and the bilateral wings near theintermedial lobe. c) the dorsal region. of the caudal part. The characteristic distributionof LH cells was clearer in ovariectomized rats. We presumed that the...
Distribution of LH cells in the anterior pituitary of the female rats were studied using the horseradish peroxidase immunohistochemical method. It was shown that LH cells arerelatively concentrated in the following regions of the pars distalis: a) the ventral regionof cephalic pars. b) the dorsal region of cephaic pars and the bilateral wings near theintermedial lobe. c) the dorsal region. of the caudal part. The characteristic distributionof LH cells was clearer in ovariectomized rats. We presumed that the distribution of theLH cell in the anterior pituitary, to a certain extent, might be related to portal vessels.
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