[Abstract]:Zn_2Cys_6 family transcription factors are C6 type transcription factors in zinc cluster family, and they are common transcription factors in fungi. GAL4 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the earliest study of transcription factors in this family. There are also many studies on the pathogen fungi such as (Magnaporthe oryzae) and (Fusarium graminearum) of rice blast and Fusarium graminearum. It was found that these transcription factors were involved in controlling the pathogenicity, sporulation and growth of pathogenic bacteria. Alternaria brassica (Alternaria brassicicola) is a pathogen causing black spot of cruciferous plants, which brings serious economic losses to farmers. At present, the pathogenetic mechanism of A.brassicicola in brassica is not clear. It was found that the transcription factors of Zn_2Cys_6 family were involved in the pathogenicity of many plant pathogenic fungi, and there were few studies on A.brassicicola in brassica. Therefore, in-depth study will help us to understand the pathogenic mechanism of the bacteria. In this study, based on the MoNIT4 gene of Zn_2Cys_6 family in rice blast fungus, we found the homologous gene ZnCys_Ab0012. in the brassica Alternaria (A.brassicicola). According to the principle of homologous recombination, ZnCys_Ab0012 gene mutants were obtained by protoplast transformation, and the function of ZnCys_Ab0012 gene in A.brassicicola was studied. It was found that the growth rate of the ZnCys_Ab0012 gene deletion mutant was 1.96 times faster than that of the wild strain. By observing the phenotypes of the two strains, it was found that the growth of wild bacteria was mainly buried hyphae, while that of ZnCys_Ab0012 gene deletion mutant was mainly airborne hyphae, and the colony color difference was very different, and the mutant of ZnCysAb0012 gene deletion was grayish white. Wild fungi are dark green. It was found that rape inoculated with Zn-CysAb0012 gene deletion mutant did not show pathogenicity to leaves. By microscopic observation of the cultured strain, we found that no spore was found in the strain with deletion of ZnCysAb0012 gene. At the same time, it was found that there was no significant difference between ZnCysS Ab0012 gene deletion mutants and wild bacteria through the study of penetration ability and resistance to stress growth. In conclusion, ZnCysAb0012 gene can control the sporulation of pathogenic bacteria, and has a significant effect on the growth rate and pathogenicity of pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, it had little effect on the permeability of pathogens and the ability of growth under stress.
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